Lotje Hives
Lotje brings a wealth of experience from a diverse career in teaching, learning, listening, community partnership, system leadership and research collaboration to our partnership. She has engaged in professional learning facilitation provincially and internationally spanning Early Years, to post-secondary education with an intentional focus on learning and wellness in relationship with the natural environment. She looks forward to contributing in fresh and innovative new ways on behalf of patients and families across the district.
In her lived experience, Lotje can attest to how, when planning conversations invite perspective and listen for vulnerable voices, we all come to a better pathway forward.
She’s optimistic that, through their stories, those who have benefitted from a wide variety services in Nipissing (along the lifespan from birth to end-of-life care) can help improve how we communicate, provide care, navigate, nurture and advocate for family members and caregivers. Lotje brings a tapestry woven with the lived stories and voices of loved ones. She is curious and eager to contribute to a sustainable, locally-developed approach to person-centered care; the heart work of the Nipissing Wellness Ontario Health Network. By thinking creatively and collaboratively and challenging the status quo, Lotje is confident we’ll find innovative ways to share resources and strategies, and generate ideas into action.
Angele Lessard
Angele is a single mother of two lovely girls [14 and 7]. She is a strong advocate for those with autism and mental health challenges. Angele is passionate about empowering families to create healthier and happier lives. 2020 was a difficult year for Angele and her family. It was also a blessing. In January, she fell ill and was diagnosed with anxiety and dysphonia. After a few months of rest, she was able to find her voice again – physically and metaphorically. Angele knew she had to re-strategize what was best for herself and her family. She resigned from a corporate job in Human Resources and Finance and started taking action towards her vision. Angele is now an entrepreneur, working from home. She provides consultation to families with children on the Autism Spectrum. Her practice builds awareness and understanding of autism and services available in the community.
Theresa Tasse
Theresa has been involved with Patient and/or Family health committees or councils for more than 20 years. She served as both a member and Chair of the local Long-Term Care [LTC] Home’s Family Council for over 10 years. For five years, Theresa sat on the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Drug Benefit Program’s Advisory Council, which was disbanded after the last election. For several recent years she also served on the NE LHIN’s PFAC. Her healthcare experience includes many years of caring for her parents in Long-Term Care, being the primary caregiver for her spouse until his death, plus providing practical and emotional support to her sister who is living with cancer. And a close friend [now deceased]. Theresa is grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Nipissing Wellness Ontario Health Team PFAC, to share her experience and insights. She looks forward to working on solutions to problems and supporting those services and health components that are working well. Her primary interest and focus is on issues in the LTC models and the disconnection – or lack of consistency – in regard to personal support worker’s recruitment, training and appropriate remuneration.
Mary Schaefer (Co-Chair)
Mary began her nursing career at Hotel Dieu Hospital in Cornwall, Ontario. She brings a valuable breadth of experience, having worked in the orthopaedics, surgical, intensive care and emergency departments. She moved to Sturgeon Falls and worked at the West Nipissing General Hospital for 10 years, working in medicine, chronic care and coronary care. Sturgeon Falls is also where she married her husband, Paul.
Her next career step was with the Community Care Access Center (CCAC) for over 25 years, including as a Community Case Manager (CCAC): 1992-2007 and Manager Client Services Community 2007-2013.
She then became a Disability Management Consultant for Banyan Work Health Solutions, utilizing her strong interpersonal skills to work with diverse client groups with varying levels of comprehension and language capability. Mary also developed a good understanding of working with Government agencies, (WSIB, Veterans Affairs Canada, CCAC and Insurance Companies), medical professionals, lawyers, insurance representatives, employers, social service and community workers.
Mary’s had a number of personal experiences of the health care system for herself and her family – some positive, some not. She looks forward to working with the team to improve the multi-faceted health care systems in our community.
Blanche-Hélène Tremblay
Blanche-Hélène resides in Astorville. During the course of her forty-year career in education she has worked on the implementation of various initiatives including Indigenous education, early childhood education and school supports for newcomers. At the community level, Blanche-Hélène has been a member of the boards of directors for the Association for Community Living and Les Compagnons des francs loisirs as well as Chairperson of Cassellholme Family Council and member of the organizing committee for Help-Portrait.
On a personal level, Blanche-Hélène is a mother of four, grandmother of six and happily married to Noel. She was a caregiver to her father who spent three years in what was then known as the Alternative Level of Care Unit at the Regional Health Centre, and to her mother who is now living with her after spending more than eight years in a long-term care home.
Blanche-Hélène applauds the Nipissing Wellness Ontario Health Team for its focus on implementing patient, family and caregiver-centered care. She is encouraged by the team’s commitment to ensuring equity and inclusion for its diverse clienteles. “Nothing about me without me”