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Who We Are

The Nipissing Wellness Ontario Health Team [NWOHT] is a new model of organizing and delivering health care to better connect patients and providers in the Nipissing district with the services they need. The primary goal is to improve patient outcomes by bringing services together and help people more easily navigate the local health care system.

There are approximately 30+ members within our OHT, including a focus on Home and Community Care and Community and Support Services, Digital Health Group, Mental Health and Addictions, Primary Care, Long-Term Care and Retirement Homes, Acute Care, Children’s Services, Indigenous Care, and Social Services.

The inclusion of patients and families in the establishment of, and decision-making for, the NWOHT is vital. In order to improve health outcomes and the patient experience, patients and families will be engaged and empowered to help re-shape health care delivery in the area through the OHT Patient Family Caregiver Council [PFCC]. Read the PFCC Partnership and Engagement Strategy – English French

Nipissing Wellness OHT is supported by funding from the Government of Ontario.

Our Values

Unified caring health and social services, centered around patients, families and caregivers.

  • Equity, inclusivity and diversity
  • Trusting relationships
  • Wellness
  • High Quality Health Care that is:
    1. Safe
    2. Effective
    3. Efficient
    4. Patient Centred
    5. Timely
    6. Equitable 
  • Accountability, efficiency and financial sustainability
  • Achieving the Quadruple Aim
    • Improved Patient Experience
    • Improved Population Health
    • Improved Efficiency
    • Improved Provider Wellbeing

Our Guiding Principles

NWŌHT Collaborative Decision-Making Agreement [CDMA]

Download English CDMA pdf

NWOHT Organizational Structure