What is an Ontario Health Team (OHT)?
Ontario Health Teams (OHTs) are developing across the province to provide a new way of organizing and delivering care. This model supports the diversity each OHT’s local population and encourages a high level of collaboration between health and social service providers.
In addition, OHTs work closely with patients, families, and caregivers to understand challenges within our regional healthcare system in order to develop more successful, effective, patient-centred care.
Visit the Ontario Ministry of Health’s website to learn more.
Will patients continue to have a choice in their care provider?
Yes, patients will still have a choice when it comes to their health and social service providers. The OHT works directly with partnered health and social service providers in the Nipissing region to improve and support the quality and efficiency of care in our local communities. Patients will continue to work directly with their chosen healthcare providers, and providers will work in collaboration with the OHT.
Will patients have to sign-up to receive care from an Ontario Health Team?
No. Patients will continue to receive care from the providers they are familiar with regardless of whether or not those care providers are part of an Ontario Health Team. The goal of our OHT is to create greater access to coordinated care in our region, for patients and healthcare providers. Therefore, patients will no be required to register with the OHT to receive care.
What is coordinated care?
Coordinated care is the process of organizing patient care from multiple healthcare providers based on individual needs and objectives. The patient care plan is then shared among all healthcare professionals involved to achieve a faster, safer, and more effective system.
Will patients, families, caregivers and community members be involved in the decision making?
Yes, one of the key elements of the Nipissing Wellness Ontario Health Team is a strong relationship with patients, families and caregivers through the Patient, Family, Caregiver Council (PFCC). Members of the PFCC are active in the decision-making processes of the Nipissing Wellness OHT.
To learn more about the PFCC, or to get involved, visit our PFCC page or contact us at info@nipissingwellness.ca
Who are the members of an Ontario Health Team?
An Ontario Health Team can be made up of health care providers from several sectors. Our team is actively engaging with the community in order to expand our network. We currently work with 35+ partners, including, but not limited to:
- Family doctors and nurse practitioners
- Other primary care including family health teams and community health centres
- Hospitals
- Home and community care
- Long-term care
- Social services
- Mental health and addictions services
- Health promotion and disease prevention services
- Rehabilitation and complex care
- Palliative care (including hospice)
- Emergency health services (including ambulance/paramedicine services)
For more information, visit our Partners page, or visit the Ontario Ministry of Health’s website.
How do I learn more about the Nipissing Wellness Ontario Health Team?
Please explore our website and social media channels to learn more about our Nipissing Wellness Ontario Health Team (NWOHT). If you have any questions, comments, or feedback please reach out via email at info@nipissingwellness.ca
Partner FAQs
Is OHT a governance and a fiscal structure?
Yes. In the OHT model there is a shared clinical and fiscal accountability such that collective resources (including leadership, front-line providers, funding, etc.) will be collaboratively directed to improve the health of the population of our community. Nipissing healthcare organizations have a strong history of working well together and look forward to continuing this trajectory.
Will the care in each OHT be the same that is provided in other OHTs?
Each OHT will develop and deliver care to best meet the needs of their specific population. OHTs are expected to ensure seamless, coordinated care for their patients regardless of where or from whom they receive care. So as OHTs gain recognition, processes to support consistency and coordination between all OHTs will be a priority.
How can I contribute my ideas and stories?
Stay tuned! We are working on developing a way for patients, families and caregivers to share their stories. In the meantime, partners or community members may direct their feedback to our Patient & Family Caregiver Council (PFCC) at info@nipssingwellness.ca
How is the leadership decided?
What are the key priority areas for our OHT?
Our key priorities are ever-changing and determined by the current needs of our Nipissing Community.
Our current priorities in the Nipissing region include:
- Advancing Digital Health
- Improving System Navigation
- Contribute to Community Wellness
- Enhance Organization Growth
- Address Gaps in Services (Children’s Health)
- Read more about our current goals and strategies here.
If you have any specific concerns or additions to our focus areas that are not listed under any of our current partnerships, please contact us at info@nipssingwellness.ca