The purpose of the NPCN is to implement the provincial vision and objectives listed below with strong participation and input from primary care providers in the Nipissing district, as well as to articulate our own vision of integrated, effective primary care that will improve outcomes for both providers and patients.
PCNs will connect, integrate, and support primary care providers within OHTs to improve the delivery and coordination of care for patients.
Core Objectives:
Within the OHT, PCNs will have two core objectives:
To organise the local primary care sector in OHT planning and provide a voice in OHT decision-making;
To serve as a vehicle to support OHTs in the implementation of local and provincial priorities.
Clinical Objectives:
- Improve access and attachment to comprehensive primary care, with a focus on equity-deserving populations (e.g. Indigenous, Black, Francophone, etc.)
- Implement integrated chronic disease prevention and management strategies, with a focus on equity-deserving populations, as above.
- Implement additional local priorities as defined by the OHT and PCN.
Jaymie-Lynn Blanchard, NP (Co-Chair)
I have over 15 years of Nursing experience in the North Bay community including experience in Acute Care, Long Term Care, Public Health and Primary Care. For the Last 7 years I have worked in Primary Care as a Nurse Practitioner at the North Bay Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic and have served as the Clinic Director for the last 5 years. Working in a variety of sectors throughout the health care system has allowed me to fully understand the impact a coordinated, efficient and timely health care system can have on a patient, their loved ones, and ultimately, their health outcomes. Quality health care, that is seamless, equitable, coordinated and integrated, in its ideal state, has the ability to change lives.
I am actively engaged in the Nipissing Wellness Ontario Health Team because I believe it holds an exciting opportunity to increase wellness and improve the health outcomes and experiences for patients, families and caregivers in our community. Our NWOHT can also improve the experience for health care providers practicing in our community. As a Nurse Practitioner who is still actively practicing, this is also very important to me. I currently serve as both an active member of the Physician and Nurse Practitioner Clinical Council and as one of the Tri-chairs of the Collaboration Council. Being involved in the development of the NWOHT has allowed me to fully and actively engage in health system co-design, alignment of systems, community and partner priorities and projects, and hear from key stakeholders and advocates about what a better system could look like. It has also allowed me to contribute my experience to our collective effort in improving our local landscape for health system navigation and transformation for health system users, providers and leaders. I am passionate about using resources efficiently, and making good decisions that make sense for our community, and for the patients that we serve. Sometimes, it is truly that simple.
I look forward to continuing this work with my primary care colleagues, as well as the many other members of our NWOHT and communities who are able to contribute their input to this effort.
Dr. Anthony Giordano (Co-Chair)
I have been a family doctor at the Northern Shores Medical Clinic here in North Bay since graduating in 2017. I provide community care as well as acute inpatient care at the North Bay Regional Health Centre. I became involved with the Nipissing Wellness OHT in 2019 and since March of this year I have been one of the three Co-Chairs of the Collaboration Council, and the Physician and Nurse Practitioner Clinical Council.
As an organization we are striving to bring the many separate health care providers in our area together so we can work towards a system that provides better, more integrated health care for all the people in our region. I believe that by listening to and respecting the voices of the providers, organizers and recipients of health care we can move closer to our vision of a safe, effective and equitable health care system. For things to get better we need new ideas, new connections and new ways of doing things. I am excited to work with my physician and nurse practitioner colleagues to design and implement new ways of providing care that are informed by our community for the benefits of the patients, families and caregivers that depend on us.
Judy Cowan has 40 years of experience as a registered nurse in a multitude of hospital and community settings. Familiar with various administrative, research and clinical work roles, Judy has a wealth of knowledge about the health system and patient-centered care. She worked collaboratively with family physicians on two major electronic health record projects to modernize care delivery at a large clinic in North Bay. Her experience also includes leading the internship component of Canadore College’s orderly program.
In addition to her clinical expertise, Judy understands the healthcare system from both the patient and caregiver perspectives. She cared for her elderly parents and in-laws in Ottawa and North Bay. Through this experience, she learned to manage the stressors associated with aging in place and the transition to the next phases of care, such as residential facilities and residences for the elderly and long-term care.
It is this personal experience that informs Judy’s recommendations for ensuring that the voices of patients and caregivers are included in the collaborative decision-making process surrounding the evolution of the healthcare system. health. Judy has served on the Patient, Family and Provider Council since 2022 and looks forward to continuing this essential work.