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Holiday Healthcare Options

This holiday season, the Nipissing Wellness Ontario Health Team would like to remind you that you have many healthcare options.

North East Region Virtual Care Clinic

The North East Virtual Care Clinic is a free Nurse Practitioner-led virtual care clinic that serves patients within the Ontario North East Region. Open 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. / 7 Days a Week

Primary Care Provider

Call your family doctor or nurse practitioner. If they are unavailable, try one of the following options.

Northern Care Connect [NCC]

Northern Care Connect provides access to a variety of local services, including mental health, children’s services and home care services in North Bay and District.


Your pharmacist can recommend appropriate treatment options, including prescribing medications for minor ailments. Make sure to stock up your medications.

Ontario Health 811

Call 811 or visit Health811 to get free health advice, check your symptoms, find a health service, or learn more about medical terms/conditions.

Community Care and Walk-in Clinic

Visit North Bay Regional Health Centre for a clinic near you. Fees may apply.

Emergency Department

Call 911 or visit your nearest Emergency Department if you are experiencing a life-threatening, time sensitive emergency.

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